29 November 2024 Redazione WAI

University of Padua, the University’s offer for international students

Founded in 1222, the University of Padua is not only one of the oldest academic institutions in the world but also a fundamental pillar of European learning. With a rich history spanning centuries, the University has always stood out for the quality of its educational offerings and its commitment to fostering an inclusive and international academic environment.

In our article, we will explain why this university is a preferred choice for international students seeking an excellent education in a multicultural context.


Why is the University of Padua so renowned?

"Universa universis patavina libertas" (whole, for all, freedom in the University) is the motto that has always identified the activities of the University of Padua and the spirit of freedom of culture and expression that originally animated its founders. The reputation of this University extends far beyond the borders of Italy, recognized not only for its antiquity but also for its pioneering role in research and innovation. Historical figures such as Galileo Galilei, who was here professor of mathematics, left an indelible imprint on the evolution of modern science.

The University was distinguished by its historic commitment to academic freedom, highlighted by the creation in 1592 of the first anatomical theater in the world, where dissections on cadavers were publicly performed. This was a true reversal of the norms of the time that allowed for considerable advancement in the understanding of the human body.

What can be studied in Padua?

At this Athenaeum, students can choose from a wide range of academic disciplines. Study options range from the natural and applied sciences, such as physics and engineering, to the humanities, such as philosophy and literature, to the social and health sciences. Such academic variety is enhanced by state-of-the-art laboratories, collaborations with international research institutions, and a strong emphasis on interdisciplinary research. Students thus have ways to prepare themselves to become skilled professionals ready to meet global challenges.

Most popular faculties and degree programs

Prominent among the various faculties that the University of Padua offers are:

  • Medicine and Surgery, renowned for its advanced research programs in biomedicine;
  • Engineering, celebrated for its advances in aerospace and robotics;
  • STEM,
  • Jurisprudence.

Each faculty is a hub of innovation and research that attracts students from all over the world. Courses offer high-level theoretical training and internship opportunities in collaboration with international companies and institutions. This enables students to gain valuable experience in the field.

Educational offerings for international students

The University of Padua is actively committed to facilitating the integration and academic success of students from abroad. It offers a wide range of degree programs entirely in English, from archaeology to pedagogy to philosophical sciences. The university also participates in international exchange programs, such as Erasmus+ and many other bilateral agreements with universities outside Europe, further expanding opportunities for its students to gain international experience. Orientation services and assistance in finding housing as well as hosting programs make the foreign student experience smooth and engaging.

How much does it cost to study in Padua?

The costs of studying at the University of Padua are relatively low, especially when compared to tuition fees at many international universities. Fees vary depending on the faculty and the student's economic situation, but generally run between 2,500 and 3,000 euros annually. The university is also committed to ensuring access to higher education for all through a variety of scholarships, exemptions and financial aid based on both the student's merit and economic status.

In Italy, a community where to form and grow

The University of Padua is not only a place to acquire knowledge, but a community where one can grow professionally and personally in a stimulating and inclusive environment. The doors of this historic institution are open to anyone who wishes to contribute to its prestigious legacy and make the most of its extensive educational programs.

If you are thinking of moving to Italy, don't miss our our informative guide and contact us to learn about the process you need to follow to study in our country.

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