Changing countries for study or work is a sometimes wonderful and sometimes difficult experience, as it involves a number of big and small changes to deal with. For example, moving to Italy from a non-European country can cause a lot of culture shock because of some Italian customs that are very different from those of other countries. In this article we have collected some cultural characteristics of the Italian people that will help you arrive more prepared in Italy, enjoy your reading.
If you asked an Italian to rank work, family, and friends in order of importance, he or she would probably always put family and friendship first. Family is a fundamental pillar of Italian culture, and the bond with parents and close relatives remains strong even into adulthood. Sunday family lunches can go on for hours and are traditions that are impossible to eradicate in Italy.
Regarding this, Italian children are often called "mama'sboys," because of their attachment to their mothers in particular. It is also common for children to live with their parents until an advanced age, sometimes even beyond the age of 30, but this is due to economic as well as cultural reasons.
Italians are known to be direct and warm people. It is true that their way of speaking loudly and gesticulate can make them seem slightly aggressive, but often this is just their way of expressing themselves. Learning to recognize some typical speech expressions and hand gestures can help you understand conversations and not be frightened by Italian exuberance.
The subject of cooking may seem second nature to you, but we guarantee that for Italians it is not. If you want to make a good impression at the table with Italian friends, here are some golden rules:
Another interesting feature of Italian culinary culture is breakfast, which is almost always sweet. It usually includes coffee or cappuccino accompanied by a "pastina," which is a baked sweet such as cornetto, pasticciotto or ciambellone.
In Italy we greet each other with two kisses on the cheeks, one on the right cheek and one on the left. Surprisingly, this type of greeting is not only reserved for friends and relatives, but can also occur when meeting someone for the first time, especially between people from the same social environment.
The operation of public transportation in Italy varies greatly depending on where you are. In large cities, such as Rome and Milan, the network of buses, streetcars and subways makes it easy to get around. However, in smaller places on the coast, in the countryside or in mountainous areas, public transportation may be infrequent or even absent.
Therefore, owning or renting a car may prove necessary in Italy, especially if you plan to live far from large cities.
If you are thinking of moving to study in Italy you will be interested to know that the Italian university experience can be very different than in the United States or other countries.
In Italy, public universities are more popular than private ones (because they are much cheaper, but still top-notch). Private universities usually offer better connections to the world of work, but on the condition of paying significantly higher tuition fees.
Students do not live on university campuses, but must usually rent a room in the city to attend classes. The absence of dormitories on campuses does not mean that there is no university life: to participate, one only needs to frequent the piazzas, the real socializing spots in Italian cities.
In addition, teaching in Italian universities is often more theoretical and less practical than in other countries, and this is also evident in the way exams are given, which are often oral.
If you move to Italy you will have to deal with a lot of paperwork such as applying for a residence permit, health card and tax code.
For example, if you are a non-EU citizen and want to stay in Italy for more than 90 days out of a 180-day period, you will need a visa. The process for obtaining one varies depending on the type and can take several months, as well as the submission of various documents.
Sorry to break it to you, but the Italian bureaucratic system can be very slow and complicated, especially if you don't know the language well. For this reason, Welcome Association Italy makes its services available to help anyone who wants to move to Italy for study or work, offering support in dealing with bureaucracy.
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