Residence permit for elective residence: what you need to know

The residence permit for elective residence is a title frequently requested by non-EU citizens who want to stay in Italy. For this reason, Welcome Association Italy, which has always been committed to assisting foreign citizens in Italy, has decided to address this topic in response to members' requests. Welcome Association Italy’s experience in the field of assistance for residence permits is a certainty for our members, who choose to join our trade union aware of our competence in this regard. Today we try to understand what the residence permit for elective residence is, who can apply for it, and how. Index

What is a residence permit for elective residence?

The residence permit for elective residency is a permit that allows a non-EU citizen to live in Italy. Generally, residence permits require a reason/motive for residing in Italy, such as study, work, or family reunification. The permit for elective residence, on the other hand, does not require an actual reason. A non-EU citizen wishing to settle in Italy simply has to meet certain conditions to apply for this residence permit. Among these conditions, which we will go trhough later, there is the fact that the foreign citizen may not carry out any type of work activity.

Who can apply for a permit for elective residence?

We have said that it is not necessary to present an actual motivation in order to apply for this residence permit. At the same time, the Italian law, about this permit, provides four possible categories of beneficiaries for whom it is possible to request elective residency: 1. Non-EU citizens in possession of an entry visa for elective residency; 2. Non-EU citizens in possession of a residency permit for work and/or family reunification. In this scenario, the applicant (retired or family member) may request the conversion of the previous permit into elective residency; 3. Non-EU citizens who are part of the family nucleus of EU citizens: companion(s), de facto cohabiting partners, or persons who are dependent on/and cohabit with an EU citizen; 4. Non-EU citizens working for entities and institutions in the Vatican City State.

How do I apply for a residency permit for elective residency?

As with all residence permits, the permit for elective residence requires a series of documents to be submitted to the competent authorities to be issued. The documentation may vary depending on the category of non-EU citizens applying for the permit, listed in the previous paragraph. Apart from this information, Welcome Association Italy always suggests relying on institutional websites and portals to become aware of the right documentation. Thanks to the Visa for Italy portal of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation, finding out what documentation to submit is just a click away.

The documentation required by the Italian authorities

The documentation to be submitted for the application for this title has common elements for all four categories of citizens who can apply for it. The documents required are: • Entry visa application form; • A passport-sized photograph; • Valid passport with an expiration date at least three months later the end of the visa in question; • Documentation proving ownership of health coverage that meets the requirements of the Italian authorities; • An already stipulated rental/ownership contract for accommodation in which to apply for registration; • Documentation proving "ample, autonomous, stable and regular" economic resources from sources other than employment.

Validity, duration, and renewal of permit

Having gathered the necessary documentation to apply for a permit, the procedure is entirely similar to any application for a residence permit. The non-EU citizen will have to submit the application through the postal kit and wait for the appointment at Questura for the photodactyloscopic surveys. In the meantime, he will be able to monitor the status of his practice from the Immigration Portal page. Once the permit has been obtained, the beneficiary of the one-year residency permit may renew it by resubmitting the appropriate documentation. The permit for elective residency loses its validity if the beneficiary interrupts his stay in Italy for more than six consecutive months. Finally, upon the fifth renewal of this permit, the holder may apply for a long-term residency permit.

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