A residence permit for pending employment is a title that non-EU citizens can apply for to regularize their stay in Italy.

This permit can be applied for by two categories of applicants:
Non-EU citizens holding a residence permit for work who, for one reason or another, no longer have a work contract;
non-EU students who finished their academic course in Italy after attending a recognized university/training institution in Italy.

Welcome Association Italy, strengthened by its many years of experience in assisting foreigners in Italy, offers a guide to inform and support non-EU citizens interested in residence permits for pending employment. This guide is mainly aimed at the second case scenario, namely international students who, after finishing their studies in Italy, decide to seek employment in our country. It is necessary to reiterate that, the situation regarding students, applies on condition that they have attended and/or obtained an Italian degree in Italy.

Do you need support?

Let’s find out how to apply for a residence permit for pending employment.

Step 1: Search for information

The first step is to inquire about the feasibility of converting/applying for a residence permit for pending employment. It is necessary to carefully choose the sources from which to glean this information. One can turn to Caf and Patronati, trade unions, specialized agencies or directly to the relevant police headquarters. The applicant for residence permit for pending employment is a non-EU citizen already on Italian territory, so he or she could easily draw on the information on the Ministry of the Interior ‘s website or contact the toll-free number 800 200 309.

Step 2: Gathering the necessary documents

The second step is the collection of documentation. Being former non-EU students, the applicants have already fully mastered the procedures/practices for applying for a residence permit in Italy. In any case, it is always good to reiterate the documentation for applying for a residence permit for pending employment:

  • valid passport
  • Identification document (ID card)
  • expired or expiring residence permit
  • Graduate certificate or equivalent document showing completion of studies
  • Document proving the possession of the necessary financial means for the waiting period of employment
  • Any other documents required by the relevant authorities (transfer of building or lease agreement and miscellaneous).

Step 3: Registration with the Job Center (ICC).

Among the documents to be enclosed with the postal kit (Step 4), the former student intending to apply for a residence permit for pending employment must enclose the registration with the employment center (ICC). This document attests to the now former student’s desire to enter the world of work in Italy. Simply search for the CPI nearest to your home and contact them by e-mail or phone to proceed with enrollment. Thereafter, the applicant must go in person to the ICC to validate the Declaration of Immediate Availability (DID).

Step 3.1: What are ICCs?

Employment centers are public agencies, often coordinated by the provinces or regions, that the Italian State makes available to workers or presumed workers. The ultimate purpose of these centers is to act as a meeting point between the worker and the employer, facilitating for the former the search for employment and for the latter the search for suitable resources to fill the positions sought. In theory, they are public agencies aimed at facilitating job placement. In practice, due to a variety of factors, these centers where workers meet employers have historically been inefficient.

Step 4: Completing and submitting the application

Once you have registered with the closest CPI, you can go to the Poste Italiane Sportello amico to purchase and fill out the postal kit. It is essential to fill out the form carefully, making sure to provide all the information requested completely and accurately. After completing the forms and attaching the documentation discussed in Step 2, the applicant can proceed with the mailing kit submission.

Step 4.1: How much does the residence permit for pending employment cost?

Procedural costs, i.e., costs related to the application procedure for residence permit for waiting for employment, amounted to €116.49:

  • €40.00 for the granting of an annual residence permit. This fee covers the administrative costs of issuing a residence permit valid for one year, guaranteeing the right to stay in Italy for the specified period.
  • €16.00 for the purchase of the revenue stamp. The revenue stamp is needed to legalize official documentation and confirm payment of taxes due, required in many paperwork.
  • €30.46 for issuing residence permits in electronic format. This cost is associated with producing and issuing the residence permit in a digital format, which includes advanced security features and facilitates identification.
  • €30.00 to the post office for the cost of sending the postal kit. These funds cover the cost of mailing and handling the postal kit, which is necessary for sending and receiving documents related to the application and issuance of the residence permit.

Step 5: Receiving the receipt

After submitting the application, the employee from Sportello Amico will hand over the postal kit receipt. This is a very important document as it contains:

  1. the information needed for identification until a residence permit is issued;
  2. credentials to access the Immigration Portal to monitor the status of your file;
  3. the date and time of the appointment at the police headquarters to finalize the application process.

Net of this information, the applicant should carefully retain the payment receipt because of the importance and significance of the document from the application until the arrival of the physical residence permit.

Step 6: Appointment at the police station

The last step in obtaining a residence permit for pending employment is the appointment at police headquarters. This step is necessary to finalize the procedure by photodactyloscopic sampling. In addition, at this stage, authorities may request additions regarding the submitted documentation or, in some cases, additional documentation. Very often, in fact, Italian authorities require implementation in the face of forgetfulness on the part of applicants. Among the “most forgotten” documents in the postal kit is health coverage having features regulated in the Italian Consolidated Immigration Act (Testo Unico dell’Immigrazione).
Health insurance coverage is an indispensable component in the eyes of the Italian state in order to evaluate an application for a residence permit. Through this document, the applicant demonstrates that he or she is covered in the event of a medical emergency. It follows that applicants for a permit for pending employment must include private health coverage or membership in the National Health System (NHS) in the mail kit.

Step 6.1: Legislative change in the NHS.

Given the importance and complexity of the issue, it is necessary to talk about the Budget Law 2024 and its practical implications on non-EU citizens applying for residence permits in Italy. As of January 2024, the rule regulating the increase in the cost of voluntary SSN membership took effect. The increase is considerable and impacts an applicant’s overall economy. In the case of international students holding a residence permit for a study reason, it has been increased from €149.77 to €700.00, while in the case of the reason “pending employment,” the cost of adhesion will start from €2,000.00 depending on declared income. A substantial change and one to be taken into account, considering that health coverage is mandatory.

Step 7: Residence permit for pending employment and conversions

After the appointment at the police headquarters and any supplementation of documents, the applicant will receive a notice to pick up the residence permit at the appropriate office. Timelines for issuing a physical residence permit change from city to city, depending on the workload of the offices in charge. It is no wonder, then, that in cities such as Rome or Milan the entire process of applying for and obtaining a permit goes beyond the duration of the permit itself.
In addition, the mode of renewal of residence permit for pending employment has a peculiarity. As stated in the introduction of this guide, there are two categories of applicants: workers and students. In certain situations, workers can apply for renewal of the residence permit for pending employment, while students do not have this option. In the case of former students, which is the subject of this guide, renewal is not contempled by the Consolidated Immigration Act. When the permit expires, the non-EU citizen may opt to convert the residence permit to work, whether self-employed or employed.

Welcome Association Italy for future workers

Welcome Association Italy, which has been committed to assisting foreigners for years, offers comprehensive support to those who wish to live and work in Italy. Our mission is to make it easier to stay in our country by providing administrative and bureaucratic advice in an accurate and timely manner. We accompany our members every step of the way, from obtaining a residence permit to finding employment, ensuring dedicated and personalized service. Thanks to our experience and network of contacts, we make integration into the Italian social and work contests easier, allowing anyone to have a positive and enriching experience. Hoping to have deflected some doubts regarding the residence permit for pending employment, we remind you that Welcome Association Italy is with you, even before your arrival.

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