The Legislation stipulates that for entry into Italy for short stay (up to 90 days) or long stay (more than 90 days), the foreigner must compulsorily present:
- Documentation attesting the purpose of the trip;
- round-trip ticket;
- Means of livelihood for the period of the stay;
- Documentation indicating the accommodation.
For some types of visas, it is also necessary to take out an insurance policy to cover medical expenses.
All non-EU foreign citizens with a regular residence permit who have their usual residence in Italy are obliged to apply for civil registration for themselves and any family members. The EU citizen, three months after entry, is required to register to the registry office of the municipality where he or she has his or her habitual residence. By doing that, he or she can obtain the issuance of the “attestato di soggiorno”.
Registration with the National Health Service is mandatory for all non-EU foreign nationals:
- legal residents who have ongoing regular employment or self-employment activities or are registered on the employment lists;
- Regularly residing or who have applied for renewal of residence permit for: employment or self-employment, family reasons political asylum, humanitarian asylum, request for asylum, waiting for adoption, fostering, acquisition of citizenship;
- awaiting the first issuance of a residence permit for salaried employment or family reasons.
In order to benefit from the services provided by the N.H.S., it is necessary to present the health card, which is the document that proves enrollment.
A foreigner staying in Italy for more than three months must apply for a residence permit within 8 days of his her entrance in Italy. Those who are already in Italy and have an expiring residence permit must apply for renewal at least 60 days before expiration.
A foreign national who holds a long-term residence permit or a residence permit with a duration of not less than one year issued for employment, self-employment, asylum, study, religious reasons, family reasons , may apply to be joined in Italy by:
- adult spouse;
- minor children provided that the other parent has given consent;
- Dependent adult children, if they are not independent;
- parents over the age of 65 who are dependents, if the other children in the country of origin are unable to support them for serious documented health reasons.
A foreign national who holds a long-term residence permit or a residence permit with a duration of not less than one year issued for employment, self-employment, asylum, study, religious reasons, family reasons , may apply to be joined in Italy by:
- adult spouse;
- minor children provided that the other parent has given consent;
- Dependent adult children, if they are not independent;
- parents over the age of 65 who are dependents, if the other children in the country of origin are unable to support them for serious documented health reasons.
A foreign citizen can obtain an Italian identity card if he or she is resident in Italy with a valid residence permit (for non-EU) or as an EU citizen. He or she must present his or her passport, certificate of residence and residence permit (if required) to the registry office of his or her municipality of residence, along with recent photos and fingerprints. The document is issued in a few days.
It is not possible to convert a tourist visa into a work permit in Italy. It is necessary to:
- Getting a job offer from an Italian employer
- Receiving clearance for work
- Returning to one’s home country
- Applying for a work visa at the Italian consulate
- Returning to Italy with new visa to obtain residence permit
foreign nationals
Extra EU
The Welcome Association Italy Package can be issued for the following reasons: Study, Family reunion, Religious reasons, Scientific research, Waiting for employment, Accompanying medical treatment, Tourism, Sports competitions.
The “Non-EU citizen applying for residence permit over 90 days” package must be selected for the Permesso di soggiorno application, which must be applied for within 8 days of entering Italy.
The package includes the membership fee, health insurance policy from Generali, health care policy from Europ Assistance and various agreements with our partners
In Italy, the ceiling is unlimited and covers emergencies due to accident, sudden illness and possible hospitalization with the always mandatory passage from the emergency room. In addition, the policy also covers in the Schengen Area, with a ceiling of €30,000. You can also use it in the case of Erasmus, in a Schengen Treaty country, as long as you have a valid residence permit in Italy.
The countries included in the Schengen Area are as follows: Austria, Belgium, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Italy, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden and Switzerland.
The Welcome packages fee can be paid by credit card, Paypal or a bank transfer. When paying by Card or Paypal, the insurance certificate is automatically uploaded to your personal area on the site in about 20 to 30 minutes. In case of bank transfer payment, we have to wait for the technical time of crediting, which is around 2 to 3 working days. As a reminder, it is no longer possible to make payment by postal bulletin.
The “Non-EU citizen applying for entry visa up to 90 days” package must be signed. The maximum age to qualify for the policy is 75.
The coverages are the same as for the package related to the Residence Permit application.
foreign EU citizens
The policy complies with Legislative Decree 30/2007 and is accepted by municipalities to issue civil registration.
The Package you need to select is the “EU Citizen applying for civil registration.”
The Package you need to select is the “EU Citizen applying for civil registration.”
The policy for European citizens is valid only on the territory of Italy.
The municipality, in order to grant enrollment, requires annual coverage. The coverage is €75,000.
No, membership in the insurance package is per individual person, so a policy must be taken out for each family member.
Emergency medical expenses in Emergency Room and hospitalization, also following Emergency Room, in all public Hospitals are reimbursed.
For Residence Permit you must submit the insurance certificate
For Residence you must submit the insurance certificate and information set
What to do
- If you entered the wrong data, send us a message from the contact page
- Have you made the payment yet? If not, send us a message from the contact page; if so, re-register with the correct data using another telematics address and make the payment: immediately after
- send us a message from the contact page to request a refund of the first deposit made.
Send us a message from the contact page to request the insurance fee reimbursement, attaching the official denial issued by the Embassy or Police Headquarters. Please note that the insurance fee cannot be refunded in any way without the official document of denial, as per Art. 2 of the policy conditions.
- If you have not made payment Send us a message from the contact page
- if, on the other hand, you have already made the payment, please note that a refund is possible only in case of double registration on the website or denial of the Entry Visa or Residence Permit.
- If you have already sent the postal kit to Questura, you must indicate the date of payment of the Welcome package
- If you have not yet shipped the kit, you must indicate the date of when you will ship
- If you are renewing a Permit that has already expired, you must indicate the date you paid for the Welcome package
- If you are renewing a Permit that has not yet expired, you must indicate the expiration date of the current Permit.
In this case send us a message from the contact page
In case you did not receive the OTP code you need to re-register using another e-mail address. In fact, the System does not recognize older domains that are no longer in use (Ex. Hotmail).
The surety bond is a guarantee document that the foreigner must present to the Italian Consulate or Embassy in the country of origin when applying for a visa, in order to prove that he or she can provide for his or her own economic livelihood during his or her stay in Italy and the Schengen area.
For more information on the procedure to sign a surety bond, Send us a message from the contact page.
Enter your private area: in the “My Packages” section, you will find the “Renew” button.