Iter for applying for academic degree recognition in Italy

In the past we have told you about the different paths that exist in Italy to apply for the recognition of an academic academic degree acquired abroad. These differ depending on the qualification and the goal one intends to achieve.

Academic Recognition

One of the most usual and required processes is Academic Recognition, aimed at:

  • Access higher education,
  • Implement the pursuit of university studies,
  • Achieve Italian university degrees.

Entity responsible for recognizing the title

Which body/institution is given the authority to recognize this title? Based on Art.Art. 2 of Law 148 of 2002, the competence lies with the University and Institutes of Higher Education "which exercise it within the scope of their autonomy and in accordance with their respective regulations, without prejudice to bilateral agreements on the matter." Specifically, we will have the following subcategories of request and access.

1 - Access to higher education

It is access to first-cycle courses (Bachelor's Degree or Academic Diploma). This procedure does not transform the foreign secondary school degree into an Italian degree, but allows entry to first-cycle courses. To be eligible for this recognition, the foreign degree must have all the following characteristics:

  • must be the official final secondary school qualification of the relevant foreign system;
  • must allow entry to first-cycle courses of the same nature in the relevant foreign system;
  • must have been obtained after a total course of at least 12 years of schooling;
  • in case there is a final examination for the purpose of entry to higher education, this requirement is also required for entry to Italian courses.

2 - Continuation of studies

This is the evaluation of first- and second-cycle foreign final degrees aimed at access to second- (e.g., Master's degree) and third-cycle courses (e.g., Master's degree. Doctorate of Research).

Like its predecessor, this procedure does not transform the foreign degree into an Italian degree, but allows entry to Master's degree programs and PhDs. To be eligible for such recognition:

  • it is necessary to possess the official first- or second-cycle degree of the relevant foreign system, respectively, issued by official institution of the foreign system;
  • the degree held must allow entry to the same Master's and Ph.D. degree programs in the relevant foreign system;
  • the degree must have the nature and disciplinary elements corresponding to those of the Italian degree required for entry (such as academic nature or research elements).

These requirements apply to all students with foreign degrees, regardless of their nationality, for both qualifications awarded in European Union (EU) and non-EU countries.

3 - Attainment of Italian degrees

This is the procedure for evaluating foreign final degrees of Master's and Doctoral degrees to obtain the corresponding Italian final degree. The purpose is to issue an Italian final degree having legal value in our system. The evaluation of the foreign degree in such a case may produce different results:

(a) direct recognition (quite rare), consisting of the issuance of the corresponding Italian title, without the need to take additional exams or submit final papers;

(b) course abbreviation, through a request to take additional exams and/or submit final papers to fill the part of the course of study not covered by the foreign degree.

Requirements for obtaining

To be eligible for such recognition, the foreign title must have all of the following characteristics:

  • the degree held must be a first- or second-cycle degree of the relevant foreign system, respectively, issued by official institution of the foreign system;
  • the degree must allow entry in the relevant foreign system to the same second or third-cycle courses;
  • the degree must have the same nature and disciplinary elements as the corresponding Italian degree (number of credits, duration, academic nature and/or research elements, etc.);
  • there must be an Italian title with which the foreign title can be compared, both by type and subject area.

These requirements apply to all students with foreign degrees, regardless of their nationality, for both qualifications awarded in European Union (EU) and non-EU countries.

4 - Equipollence of the Ph.

If certain conditions are met, doctoral degrees (PhD) awarded by foreign universities may be recognized as equivalent to the Italian PhD according to the provisions of Art.Article 74 of Presidential Decree 382/80..

In order to be eligible for recognition, a Ph.D. degree earned abroad must be awarded upon completion of a second-level degree program (old-school degree or master's/master's degree). It is essential that the Ph.D. degree or certificate be accompanied by:

  • a sworn Italian translation;
  • the Hague Postmark for countries that have acceded to the Hague Convention issued by the competent bodies of the country where the University is located;
  • declaration of value, issued by the Italian diplomatic or consular representation abroad competent for the territory where the University is located;
  • Certification of the foreign university.

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